tirsdag den 7. maj 2013

Ekstase, depression, integritet

"For projektet er det fængsel, som jeg vil rømme fra (projektet, den diskursive eksistens): jeg har dannet mig det projekt at undslippe projektet! Og jeg ved, at jeg blot behøver at knække diskursens tråd i mig, straks dukker ekstasen op; kun diskursen fjerner mig fra den, kun den diskursive tanke forråder den [...]"

Georges Bataille: Den indre erfaring

"The depressive mood constitutes itself as a narcissistic support, negative to be sure, but nevertheless presenting the self with an integrity, nonverbal though it might be. Because of that, the depressive affect makes up for symbolic invalidation and interruption (the depressive's 'that's meaningless') and at the same time protects it against proceeding to the suicidal act. That protection, however, is a flimsy one. The depressive denial that destroys the meaning of the symbolic also destroys the act's meaning and leads the subject to commit suicide without anguish of disintegration, as a reuniting with archaic non-integration, as lethal as it is jubilatory, 'oceanic'"

Julia Kristeva: Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia

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