mandag den 7. april 2014

Machine for fighting anxiety

"The situation feels hopeless and inescapable, but it isn’t. It feels this way because of effects of precarity – constant over-stress, the contraction of time into an eternal present, the vulnerability of each separated (or systemically mediated) individual, the system’s dominance of all aspects of social space. Structurally, the system is vulnerable. The reliance on anxiety is a desperate measure, used in the absence of stronger forms of conformity. The system’s attempt to keep running by keeping people feeling powerless leaves it open to sudden ruptures, outbreaks of revolt. So how do we get to the point where we stop feeling powerless?

A new style of precarity-focused consciousness raising is needed

In order to formulate new responses to anxiety, we need to return to the drawing board. We need to construct a new set of knowledges and theories from the bottom up. To this end, we need to crease a profusion of discussions which produce dense intersections between experiences of the current situation and theories of transformation. We need to start such processes throughout the excluded and oppressed strata – but there is no reason we shouldn’t start with ourselves.

In exploring the possibilities for such a practice, the Institute has looked into previous cases of similar practices. From an examination of accounts of feminist consciousness raising in the 1960s/70s, we have summarised the following central features:

  • Producing new grounded theory relating to experience. We need to reconnect with our experiences now – rather than theories from past phases. The idea here is that our own perceptions of our situation are blocked or cramped by dominant assumptions, and need to be made explicit. The focus should be on those experiences which relate to the public secret. These experiences need to be recounted and pooled — firstly within groups, and then publicly.
  • Recognising the reality, and the systemic nature, of our experiences. The validation of our experiences’ reality of experiences is an important part of this. We need to affirm that our pain is really pain, that what we see and feel is real, and that our problems are not only personal. Sometimes this entails bringing up experiences we have discounted or repressed. Sometimes it entails challenging the personalisation of problems.
  • Transformation of emotions. People are paralysed by unnameable emotions, and a general sense of feeling like shit. These emotions need to be transformed into a sense of injustice, a type of anger which is less resentful and more focused, a move towards self-expression, and a reactivation of resistance.
  • Creating or expressing voice. The culture of silence surrounding the public secret needs to be overthrown. Existing assumptions need to be denaturalised and challenged, and cops in the head expelled. The exercise of voice moves the reference of truth and reality from the system to the speaker, contributing to the reversal of perspective – seeing the world through one’s own perspective and desires, rather than the system’s. The weaving together of different experiences and stories is an important way of reclaiming voice. The process is an articulation as well as an expression.
  • Constructing a disalienated space. Social separation is reduced by the existence of such a space. The space provides critical distance on one’s life, and a kind of emotional safety net to attempt transformations, dissolving fears. This should not simply be a self-help measure, used to sustain existing activities, but instead, a space for reconstructing a radical perspective.
  • Analysing and theorising structural sources based on similarities in experience. The point is not simply to recount experiences but to transform and restructure them through their theorisation. Participants change the dominant meaning of their experience by mapping it with different assumptions. This is often done by finding patterns in experiences which are related to liberatory theory, and seeing personal problems and small injustices as symptoms of wider structural problems. It leads to a new perspective, a vocabulary of motives; an anti-anti-political horizon."

3 kommentarer:

  1. OMG. Jeg har ledt efter det her i flere år. Er ikke engang nåede længere end et par passager i hele teksten (googlede og fandt). Tak! Men jeg ved allerede at jeg har fundet en savnet ven, så med tilladelse, nogle (sikkert forhastede, men jeg er for begejstret til at vente) kommentarer:

    Det er for mig et af de mest presserende udfordringer, at vende den her udbredte og tabuiserede ængstelighed til andre måder at have det på, der måske vil kunne sætte os i stand til hengive os til mere farefulde følelser. Mht. vrede, så stemmer virkelig, at det både er risikabelt og naivt at tro at hvem som helst kan diske op med den vrede som egentlig passer sig for denne verden (dvs. vi har al god grund til at være rasende, men vi formår ikke, fordi raseri, hvis det faktisk tager form, fører til mange farefulde gestus). Vreden må mao. manes frem og værnes om. Vi har brug for en slags kollektiv omvendt eksponeringsterapi, og det ikke for at "håndtere vores vrede" (hvilket som regel er lig med den udbredte passive aggressivitet vi oplever i alle fremmede relationer, mellem kollegaer der egentlig hader hinanden, folk der står i køen i supermarkedet, skibbrudne ægteskaber osv). Vi må derimod forsøge at finde måder som vi gradvist og systematisk kan eksponeres for, og derigennem komme i kontakt med, vores egen vrede.

  2. Jeg har også fornemmelsen af at det her berører et af de vigtigste knudepunkter i fraværet af politik. Apropos denne artikel:
    Men jeg er også meget i tvivl om, hvordan det virkelig kan imødekommes i praksis. Det er meget centralt tror jeg, at det ikke er 'nok' at tilbyde en politisk 'tolkning' af individuelle symptomer og erfaringer og få folk til at 'forstå' dette – i sidste ende kan det let blive sådan "ja, det er meget godt, men det ændrer ikke ved mine følelser og det ændrer ikke vilkårene i min situation" (jeg er stadig angst, ensom og føler mig tvunget til at tage kampen op under de og de præmisser, hvis jeg skal have et 'liv') – der må netop noget vedholdende og praktisk til i arbejdet med at give en egentlig fornemmelse af, at denne 'erkendelse' kan føre en praktisk mulighed med sig.
    Post gerne flere tanker (forhastede og ikke-forhastede) du må have om det her!

  3. Det her er i øvrigt spændende ("mental health activism"):
